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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Would Jesus Buy?

Last night, we watched this documentary. It follows the Stop Shopping Church a few weeks before Christmas as they tour America trying to spread the word about evil consumerism. They finally reach the "promise land" AKA Disneyland and sing to the visitors about not buying Mickey and Minnie plate sets and spinning light sabers with Princess Jasmine on top unnecessary junk. While Reverend Billy, who wears a white suit and has slicked back golden blond hair, is over-the-top eccentric, the message is on-point. It's like what WM said last night, sometimes you need a spectacle for people to start thinking.

Especially during the holidays, people are willing to buy gifts they can't afford - no matter their surmounting debt. One woman in the film was taking out credit cards without her husband knowing and maxing them out in days! Her husband doesn't believe in credit and thinks they are debt-free. First, that's scandalous to do behind your husband's back and second, he's in for the surprise of his life.

I agree with Reverend Billy and his clan choir. People have forgotten that what truly matters during the holidays is being with family and friends, making unforgettable memories and giving in real way - not "giving" in the I-have-to-buy-you-the-hottest-and-newest-fad-toy/electronics/fashion that will most definitely be out of style or outdated in 3 weeks kind of way. I mean (or, Rev Billy means) giving of yourself - giving your family, friends or those who are in need, some of your time, attention, and compassion.

No, your children, my siblings included, do not need the latest version of Guitar Hero. No, they do not need a kid-size Hummer. No, they do not need a third laptop just because it's pink and fits in their pocket

And no, I do not need the XXL Mahina Louis Vuitton shoulder bag. And no, WM does not need Clive Christian perfume.


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