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Friday, December 18, 2009

Rainy day blues

It is nasty outside. It's so dark and all I've wanted to do is sleeppp. This will be a short post because while I would love to stay in bed -- I have a lunch date with my friend and have to journey out into this bad weather! Her car is in the "shop" and she didn't bring lunch because of our date -- wonderful. Otherwise, I would have taken a rain check. Yes, I did just say that. Wish me luck and send me positive vibes!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Commercialize me

When I applied to college, I checked the "advertising" major box. Of course, I changed my major and ended up with public relations, communication studies and criminology. However, I loved (and still love) ad campaigns -- I love the creative process and coming up with unique and effective ads really fascinates me. I love seeing an ad and recognizing exactly who the ad execs are targeting, how and why. Don't get me wrong though, some ads are really bad, even deceptive but aside from that -- just taking the commercial for what it is -- they're interesting. My all-time favorites come from Target. Especially when they first came out with their great ad campaign that seamlessly blended practicality and fashion in a fun way.

So, since I wish I hadn't gotten a degree in criminology-(thanks, mom) I'm not in advertising, here's a list of my current faves (and not so faves) for your enjoyment. Tell me what you think!

My faves

1. Amazon Kindle Commercial (also see Target's Australia commercial)

2. Mac Broken Promises.

3.Toyota Prius Harmony.

4. Intel Rockstar. LOVE this ENTIRE campaign.

5. University of Florida - When did you become a Gator. Maybe I'm a little biased, OK - I'm very biased, but I love this ad spot. It always brings back great memories of my undergrad days, which is exactly what they want. LOL.

*I'm in between with this one. It's neither on my faves or not-so-faves list. I get what they're doing but it might be a little too much for me. D&G Time.

Most commercials are mediocre. They come and go without you realizing, but then there are others that you watch and the only words that come out are "what.the.hell."


1. Sears Blue Crew. Too confusing and just awkward.

2. Jim Beam Guys Never Change. Call me conservative- I can't stand this commercial.

3. Charmin Ultra Strong Bathroom tissue. Just plain weird.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Productivity up 70%

Now that social media and networking rule the world, how do you ever get anything accomplished?

I haven't had a Facebook account in almost six months. And while I went through nasty withdrawals at times, it has been for the best. I haven't had a Myspace account in over a year. Once Myspace became the Amsterdam of the Internet, I was out. However, I was inclined to keep it just to check up on my younger brother and sister -- my sister's myspace told me she's 17 (my, how time flies when you age by two years at a time), narcissistic, and in love with her "besties" NyNy and Sony. I mean, really? I'm pretty sure my brother has almost altogether abandoned his Myspace account since he turned all new age, grew out his hair like the Beatles, and sings about peace and love while playing his guitar-- he's got other things going on.

I walk through the library at school and people are just shamelessly clicking through Facebook pictures. When I canceled my account, my productivity level went up about 70%, seriously. I only focused on my work and it was a nice not feeling the urge to refresh my Facebook homepage to see who was taking a shit at that moment making chicken enchiladas or putting their pants on to go to RueBar.

My productivity seemed almost too overwhelming -- so, I opened a Twitter account. It seemed like just the right amount of social interaction. It's easy and quick. I can update, read updates and that's it. Simple. Plus, it's just not as fun as Facebook so it's not as much of a distraction.

Some people have an account at every social networking website. How do they do it? How do you keep up with real life while you're keeping up with virtual life? And when is too much? Is there a 'too much'?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Would Jesus Buy?

Last night, we watched this documentary. It follows the Stop Shopping Church a few weeks before Christmas as they tour America trying to spread the word about evil consumerism. They finally reach the "promise land" AKA Disneyland and sing to the visitors about not buying Mickey and Minnie plate sets and spinning light sabers with Princess Jasmine on top unnecessary junk. While Reverend Billy, who wears a white suit and has slicked back golden blond hair, is over-the-top eccentric, the message is on-point. It's like what WM said last night, sometimes you need a spectacle for people to start thinking.

Especially during the holidays, people are willing to buy gifts they can't afford - no matter their surmounting debt. One woman in the film was taking out credit cards without her husband knowing and maxing them out in days! Her husband doesn't believe in credit and thinks they are debt-free. First, that's scandalous to do behind your husband's back and second, he's in for the surprise of his life.

I agree with Reverend Billy and his clan choir. People have forgotten that what truly matters during the holidays is being with family and friends, making unforgettable memories and giving in real way - not "giving" in the I-have-to-buy-you-the-hottest-and-newest-fad-toy/electronics/fashion that will most definitely be out of style or outdated in 3 weeks kind of way. I mean (or, Rev Billy means) giving of yourself - giving your family, friends or those who are in need, some of your time, attention, and compassion.

No, your children, my siblings included, do not need the latest version of Guitar Hero. No, they do not need a kid-size Hummer. No, they do not need a third laptop just because it's pink and fits in their pocket

And no, I do not need the XXL Mahina Louis Vuitton shoulder bag. And no, WM does not need Clive Christian perfume.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Catching Up

It has been a longggg time since I wrote my last post (well, my last public blog post).

Here's a quick update:

1. I'm married now. To a wonderful man. When something is meant to be, it will be.

2. I'm in my second year of law school but I'm visiting at FIU Law in Miami for the year until August 2010. I'll go back to UF Law to finish my last year.

3. I live near Brickell in Miami, which has been an... interesting adjustment from living mostly in Gainesville, Florida since 2004.

4. I have two more finals until I close out this semester (Immigration Law and Wills & Trusts).

5. My husband (from now on he'll be referenced as WM, see #1) and I love to go out and find great places to eat in Miami. Check out Yelp if you want some suggestions!

6. I've been inspired to take up blogging again because I need a distraction from law school and am a major procrastinator I recently saw Julie & Julia and because of my favorite and fabulous blogs: Mama Law, Ask Wifey, Pajamas and Coffee, Viva Fashion Blog, Midtown Chic-a, The Broke Socialite, and My Husband is Annoying. (I'll have a proper blog roll as soon as I figure out how that works.)

That's pretty much it. Hang around, we'll be chatting soon!